Hydro-GIS Highlights from EGU24 General Assembly: Insights, Workshops, and Networking

Hydro-GIS recently had the privilege of participating in Europe’s largest Geoscience conference, the EGU General Assembly held in Vienna. The conference served as a melting pot of ideas, innovations, and practices, offering us a diverse array of topics to explore and integrate into our projects.

The breadth of topics covered at the conference was staggering, encompassing a wide range of themes relevant to our work including Earth observation, climate change, and natural hazards.

From discussions on new findings and modelling techniques pertaining to climate change in the Mediterranean region to advancements in the understanding and evaluation of weather extremes, each session presented fresh insights that will help to inform and enhance our ongoing projects.

The practical workshops were a highlight, providing us with hands-on experience using state-of-the-art modelling tools for floods and landslides that we can integrate into our own methodologies to enhance accuracy and efficiency in our work.

The conference served as a hub for invaluable networking opportunities. During our poster presentation on “Windstorm-Flood Correlation in the UK,”, we had the privilege of engaging with researchers and professionals from diverse disciplines. These interactions offered fresh perspectives and insights, enriching our understanding of the broader implications of our research. It also highlighted the interdisciplinary nature of our work and the importance of collaboration in addressing complex challenges.

Hydro-GIS representatives at EGU24 conference in Vienna
Hydro-GIS representatives at EGU 24 – Artemis Venardos (Natural Hazards and GIS Analyst) and Dr Harvey Rodda (Director of Hydrology)
poster jointly authored by Artemis Venardos, Natural Hazards and GIS Analyst at Hydro-GIS, and Dr Carlotta Scudeler from Gallagher Re

Our poster was jointly authored by Artemis Venardos, Natural Hazards and GIS Analyst at Hydro-GIS, and Dr Carlotta Scudeler from Gallagher Re (pictured). Hydro-GIS ltd and Gallagher Re are continuing to jointly supervise research projects for the UCL MSc in Geophysical Hazards in 2024. The project this year is looking at extreme short duration rainfall events and flash flooding in UK cities.

Overall, our participation at the EGU24 General Assembly was immensely beneficial. It not only expanded our knowledge but also empowered us with practical tools and connections to further advance our work in hydrological and geographical information systems. We look forward to leveraging these insights and relationships to drive meaningful progress in our future projects.