Author: NeoWeb_Admin

Project in Chile

Hydro-GIS Ltd has been working as part of a team of experts to look at the risk of tailing dam failure in Chile. Our input has included to application of a dam breach model to identify the potential risk to downstream areas and using rainfall runoff modelling to identify the risk of dam failure caused…
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The Use of Drones for Flood Mapping

Hydro-GIS Ltd worked together with researchers from the Open University in a pilot study to test using a drone for mapping flood extents. The approach has a number of potential applications such as demonstrating flood extents in areas where EA flood maps are inaccurate, which is particularly common for small streams, and to assist insurance…
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UCL Dissertations

Through his role at UCL Dr Harvey Rodda has been supervising four MSc dissertations on storm surges along the English Channel coast, the risk of dam breach flooding in the PeaK District National Park, flash flood risk in Chile, and the relationship between drought periods in Southern Spain and the North Atlantic Oscillation.

Flooding and Insurance in the UK

The recent implementation of Flood Re to guarantee flood cover for households in the UK has led to an increased interest in the flood risk to insurance company portfolios. Hydro-GIS Ltd were engaged by Axa Art to undertake hydrological field surveys to provide a detailed assessment of the flood risk at six sites which had…
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New hydrology textbook

Dr Harvey Rodda has recently co-authored a hydrology textbook with Dr Max Little from the Department of Engineering and Applied Science, Aston University. The aim is to provide assistance to hydrology students and practitioners with some of the more complicated mathematical aspects of the subject. The book is available as an e-book as well as…
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